Monday, August 16, 2010

How much of the bailout is due to illegal alien bought homes? ?

I wonder how many billions is tied in How much of the bailout is due to illegal alien bought homes? ?
Trying again Republican to blame the oppressed rather than the oppressor? When you say illegal aliens, I'm sure you mean people whose countries are being occupied by American companies or armies who take the best land and resources and leave the people in poverty. Funny enough, the companies occupying these territories don't even hire the people native to the territories. In Mexico, in Africa, and other places this is the case. Mexicans actually owned homes in America and were driven from them and killed, they are connected to the Native Americans who were their ancestors. So, who is really the illegal alien in this country and in the Third World? Not only this, but company collapses were deemed fraudulent because commercial giants like Lehman Brothers, Sally Mae, Freddy Mac, and AIG were greedy. Period. Lehman Brothers heads took $5 billion in bonuses last year and Merill Lynch took $10 billion. Not only that, but Bush took out loans for his expensive war to fund his friends the defense contractors (weapon sellers), the general contractors (collecting big funds to rebuild a broken Iraq using cheap labor), and the oil companies (hoping Bush's puppet leadership like Karzai in Afghanistan will help secure a pipeline and seize middle eastern oil). Not only that, but banks preyed on people who did not have any money with the knowledge that they could not repay them. They do this so they can make money selling the same house to different people. Many people are sold houses and are hit by unexpected expenses, or by unexpected job losses. As another poster said before, not only the usual people who renege are foreclosing, but people with what were once considered stable jobs. If a bailout occurs, it should be a loan these companies have to pay back. Otherwise, their pockets should be drained and their assets liquidated so they can help build new businesses owned by the oppressed people whose money makes them rich. Put any label on it you want to put on it, I only care that the government does not give rich gangster capitalists any more legitimacy or welfare from taxpayers. McCain is now saying ';we need to hold Wall Street responsible.'; However, he never mentioned that Phil Gramm, his advisor, wrote laws with the help of financial industry lobbyists, that removed financial products called swaps from any regulation. Credit default swaps are basically insurance policies that cover the losses on investments, and they have been at the heart of the subprime meltdown because they have enabled large financial institutions to turn risky loans into risky securities that could be packaged and sold to other institutions.

Lehman’s collapse threatens the financial markets because of swaps. The link is below. This is also the same McCain who with Bush lied and said that the economy is fundamentally sound. If it is not sound for big companies, imagine the poorest and the working and middle class. Furthermore, ';Gramm is responsible for the rise of the wild and woolly $62 trillion swaps market. And he was chairman of the McCain campaign and a top economic adviser for McCain–until he dismissed Americans worried about the economy as “whiners.” After that comment, McCain dumped Gramm. But was Gramm truly excommunicated from McCain land? Last month, he attended a meeting of McCain’s top supporters in Aspen, Colorado. And at a dinner that day, McCain singled out Gramm for praise. Last week, failed Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul revealed that Gramm, now an exec for Swiss banking giant UBS (which also lost billions of dollars due to subprime loans and swaps), had recently called him as part of a McCain effort to win Paul’s endorsement. Paul turned Gramm down. (Both Gramm and Paul are Texas Republicans.) Gramm’s Paul-courting effort seems to indicate that the fellow who has done much to cause the current financial troubles (and who was once considered a possible Treasury secretary should McCain win the White House) is back in the good graces of the McCain campaign. What neither she nor McCain has explained is how they plan to be able to reform Wall Street when they are being assisted by 177 lobbyists and the guy who greased the way to the current crisis with a backroom legislative maneuver.';How much of the bailout is due to illegal alien bought homes? ?
I heard it was a lot.

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