Friday, July 16, 2010

Buying Home with Boyfriend - He is putting more down than I am and wants to file a legal form?

Is there a legal form we can fill out showing 75/25 vested interested in the property? Every website I go to says lawyer can draw up agreement for about 300 dollars. Can't we just do our own and have it notorized? Is there a free form we can print online? Does it need to be filed with the County or just kept in files in the event of a breakup? Every penny counts.. we'd like to complete ourselves. Thanks for your help!Buying Home with Boyfriend - He is putting more down than I am and wants to file a legal form?
You can get forms at office depot for a couple of bucks. If you live in or near a college town, you could look up the law school and give a professor a call to ask for his advice, if you want to make your own.

If you use an office depot form, you should definitely have it notarized (although it would be binding without it) and you can each make copies for yourself and file the original with your title company that does your closing.Buying Home with Boyfriend - He is putting more down than I am and wants to file a legal form?
Just make sure that you only pay 25% of the mortgage payments!

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Try They have lots of books and forms for sale, and they're easy to understand.
Don't do it. Haven't you been reading here very long? Look for the 400 questions about ';how do I get out of this house that I bought w/ my boy/girlfriend and now we broke up'; etc.
The reason you both want this in a legal form instead of just a note case your relationship goes sour or in case something happens to one of you and the survivor is dealing with relatives they may not like. Make sure this is as iron-clad as you can make it. Have it say what happens if one wants to sell and the other does not. If it just something filled out by you or a friend it may not be enforceable in case of a bad situation.
law depot has prenuptial agreements.. (

so you would use (this nuptial form).. to simple declare your investments..and have it notorized for ap $50 (or just with both your signatures on the form and notorize this with the house ';deed';)

when you buy the home...the ';realtor'; can write on an amendment (for the price they get in the commission sale)..that the split of the home.......and the lawyer will put this on the official ownership ';deed';

p.s. to have this declaration of the ownership split you will have to tell the lawyer before the deal closes..if you want this on the house ';deed';

good luck..........
its fair...your not married....when you break-up, you both get what you put in....if your lucky....seems simple would be better....draw it up your self,

when you both sign...its as legal as any an attorney can do......

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